Welcome Tribes

Alliance of Indigenous Nations

New and Forming Now!
The first ever,

International Clan Mother Matriarch Council

(Application forms will be available soon if interested to partake)

Welcome to the Alliance of Indigenous Nations’ member site!

This is a historic moment in our development and launch of the ‘Alliance of Indigenous Nations’, now, with its nation Treaty and A.I.N. Tribunal to the world.

We completed our co-operative work to refining this treaty document, and organizing our International Tribunal after many arduous hours, contemplation and considerations for nations worldwide to join with us.

We are thankful to all who have participated on behalf of their Indigenous Nation, to work in harmony with us in order to embrace our goal and vision of a worldwide union for our freedom. Our time has come.

Our higher purpose is to recover the sacredness of Mother Earth and to once again honor Great Creator for the magnificence and brilliance of creation. Our objective is to also recognize, respect and reciprocate all people’s sovereignty, our right to self-govern and self-determine.

As was also predicted by the Prophecy of the ‘Eagle and the Condor”, that when the people from the four directions of the world would come together, they would begin the New Earth.

The A.I.N. committee has affiliated with many Indigenous nations over the last year and welcome many more to unite and treaty with us: so please contact us to view the results of our articles, inner-standings and friendships. We welcome you and many more nations to join with us in signing this treaty through the spirit and intent of ‘Oneness’ in purpose and our mission for the greater good.

We feel we have embodied the essence together of our fundamental spiritual ways, customs and beliefs. It may not speak specifically for all members but it certainly carries the intent for all people. We also invite you to learn of our AIN Tribunal.

A.I.N. also likes to take notice of the Crown Corporation, United States Corporation, and the UN Corporation in the same light, spirit and intent of all the AIN nations.

In closing, as our Ancestors foretold, ‘we are the ones we’ve been waiting for’, to usher in peace, strength, truth, love and freedom for all people in the world. Let’s stand together as the New People to create the New Earth, a better and Spiritually Enlightened future!

We look forward to meeting you for our first United Indigenous Day Conference, a time of celebration, in the near future.


Going in A Good Way
A.I.N. Committee


To serve as the collective voice for the unification and development of all Indigenous Nations/Tribes Globally.

A.I.N. International Tribunal

In a letter from CIRNAC dated Dec. 13, 2024, the U.N. member Nation CANADA officially recognized the Alliance of Indigenous Nations, along with its Treaty and its International Tribunal presided over by Judges from all over the world. CANADA also stated that the relationship between CANADA and the A.I.N. is Nation to Nation

Our members should comprehend that, pursuant to International Commity (mutual recognition between states or courts) as set forth in Pro Swing v Elta Golf 2006 SCC 52, the Orders of the A.I.N. International Tribunal must be enforced in CANADA.

This is especially true after R v White and Montour QSC 2023 4154 held that CANADA consented to entrenching the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) into S. 35 of CANADA’s constitution, which consent is a LIMIT on CANADA’s sovereignty, pursuant to R v Hape 2007 SCC 52 at paragraph [43].

  1. 52 of CANADA’s Constitution states that S. 35, being after the Charter and so part of the Constitution proper, is the Supreme Law of the Land.

Further, the Supreme Court of CANADA, being only a court by legislation in 1875, is NOT so entrenched in the Constitution.

The result is that the A.I.N. International Tribunal stands alone as the highest judicial body in CANADA, which can also hear cases of an International scope !

This means our members can finally choose either the Colonial Court system, or our far more expedient and less expensive Tribunal system, which includes an Arbitration process.

The Alliance of Indigenous Nations International Tribunal consists of a panel of judges from every continent. The Tribunal was established pursuant to its member nations’ sovereignty that pre-existed European settlement. These sovereign indigenous nations always maintained their own customs, laws and traditions in harmony with Mother Earth.
Since 2007, by acquiescence, (pursuant to the doctrine of adoption) Canada adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) which codified that sovereignty Internationally. Then , in June 2021 (Bill C-15) Canada ratified UNDRIP thereby eliminating any conflict in the application of domestic and international law.  UNDRIP was to be fully implemented in Canada as of June 2023. 
 In sum, the A.I.N. Tribunal operates pursuant to inherent Sovereignty (from Wankatanka /Creator) now codified Internationally and ratified  domestically in Canada (northern Turtle Island).

A Notice to all levels of Governments Federal Provincial/State, County,  Municipal, and their Agents, Heirs and Assigns.

AIN Judge’s Oath

I,________________ affirm that I will truly serve in the office and responsibilities of Judge to the Alliance of Indigenous Nations (AIN) Tribunal with honesty, integrity, and transparency according to Great Spirit’s divine laws and that I will serve mankind with compassion without fear, favour, or ill will [So be it].

Law Cases

Important Cases and Documents to know

The Supreme Court of Canada has unanimously upheld the Trudeau government’s Indigenous child welfare law, dismissing Quebec’s appeal in a landmark opinion affirming Indigenous Peoples’ jurisdiction over child and family services.

The high court sided with the Canadian government in a decision rendered Friday morning, reversing a Quebec Court of Appeal decision to declare the law partly unconstitutional.

“The act as a whole is constitutionally valid,” the court concluded.

Supreme Court Judgments:

Connolly v Woolrich (1867), 17 RJRQ 75, 11 Low Can Jur 197, is a decision in which the Quebec SuperiorCourt held that a marriage under Cree law could be recognized under Quebec law.
The Crown’s declaration of sovereignty in Canada did not negate “the territorial rights, political organization, such as it was, or the laws and usages of the Indian tribes”.[3] This case was upheld on appeal!
“Treaties are the granting of rights, from the indigenous people to the colonists.” Says BC Law prof J. Borrows

No.: 505-01-137394-165
DATE: November 1st , 2023


The Supreme Court of Canada decisions flow from the conclusion reached by the court in 1973 “that Aboriginal rights survived European settlement and remain valid to the present day unless extinguished by treaty or otherwise” and that those rights existed in 1982 (alleged enactment of canada constitution)and hence are protected by s. 35(1) of Canada’s alleged constitution. 
So, even if Canada’s constitution is valid, which it is not, sovereign, indigenous, nations rights are still recognized.


What is it?
Represents: Pan-American independent nation sovereignty, unity, and decolonizing.

Click See Full Document Here


The Alliance of Indigenous Nations (AIN) Tribunal has announced the inception of the ‘International Indigenous Governing Board’ – initiating an International Indigenous Child-Family Services (ICFS).


Protecting, supporting, evolving, and guiding to meet the needs of our indigenous children, youth, families and communities worldwide.
Click Image to Read More or Make a Claim

Our Story

We began as a voice wanting to be heard by those in power who continuously disregarded us as ‘frivolous’ and as meaningless to the greater whole. It became clear to us that it was our time to reach out to the other Indigenous Nations internationally who also cried out to be heard and freed from all of the injustices, mistreatment and control.

According to the Anishinaabe prophecy and Prophecies from around the world – they told that there would be a time when the New People of all races will emerge. It would consist of human beings of different colors and traditions that will come together on a basis of respect, honor, One Voice & One Heart of Freedom. Are we the New People as indicated in the Prophecy?

Nation ~ To ~ Nation

Alliance of Indigenous Nations – (AIN)

One way where Indigenous Nations can

unite to form the New Earth …

Freedom, Truth, Equity

May this message resound to all the peoples of the world that our time has come to fulfill our ancestors’ prophecies. “When the eagle of the North, flies with the condor of the south, the spirit of the land, she will re-awaken.” Inca Prophecy “In Prophecy, the knowledge keepers of our nations, foretold of a time... when people from the four directions of the world would come together.” Onjisay-Aki ‘When the Eagle and the Condor come together, to fly in the same sky, a new level of consciousness for humanity will be created.’
It is happening NOW! We have entered The Aquarian Age, an era of light, an age of awakening, and an age of returning to natural ways, to spiritual ways. The Indigenous Nations are gathered as predicted to usher in this new Golden Age – an epoch that understands the message of the heart, intuition, and nature to bring peace, freedom, truth and love to Mother Earth.
-The Eagle and the Condor Prophecy

Upcoming Tours & Destination

Fuerat aestu carentem habentia spectent tonitrua mutastis locavit liberioris. Sinistra possedit litora ut nabataeaque. Setucant coepyterunt perveniunt animal! Concordi aurea nabataeaque seductaque constaque cepit sublime flexi nullus.

~ For More Information On ~

AIN Treaty & AIN Tribunal

Private invitation only.

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AIN Disclaimer

AIN assumes no liability for the content of this application or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. Any false information provided by the applicant,  disclosing, copying, distributing, or taking any action in reliance on the contents of such said false information is strictly prohibited and the individual will be held solely accountable.